If you need me this weekend, I’ll be reliving my childhood.

Thanks to FTA, Kegs, and the online Apple community, you can now relive, play, and enjoy old Apple 2 games and other disks through the internet and web browser. This web site uses an ActiveX application and Apple IIgs emulator to automatically download and play most Apple 2 disk images online. To play a game, just select the disk from the menu and click on Yes to automatically download the ActiveX emulator and disk images. (Note: Requires Internet Explorer and Windows) Don’t worry, there isn’t any spyware to worry about, and it’s completely free!

I remember when the Apple 2 GS was the new hot-shit computer coming down the pike. Now, it can be replicated in an ActiveX browser (albeit only every fifth game or so seems to work). Go play it before The Man ™ shuts it down.

Found via GameDevBlog.