It seems like a good time to point out this very good, albeit old, article about the Playstation 3, and how Sony is pinning all of their hopes on it. Wired is pretty gloomy on PS3’s prospects, as am I, but you know the console wars have gotten wierd when Slashdot and Wired start rooting for Microsoft as the ‘agile’ one.

The article came to mind reading some of the comments around the web about the PlayStation’s launch. If you think the FANS are mad about the PS3 launch, consider who else has reason to be pissed off:

  • The Retailers.As chas hints at in yesterday’s PS3 thread, the retailers have every reason to be pissed. After all, they’ve blocked out enormous amounts of display space for PS3 displays and games, which will end up being wasted space — exactly what you need for the Christmas rush.
  • The Developers. As Jason points out, normally being a launch title is a huge boost for a title. But if the game is out for six months before anyone can actually acquire a PS3, your odds of becoming flotsam and jetsom multiply.
  • The Developers Again. It bears mentioning that every developer I’ve talked to for the PS3 hates working on it, whereas they love working on the XBox 360. PS3’s architecture is just way out of the box, and it could be years before people really figure out how to make it scream.
  • The Fanbois. Imagine you’re one of the slaving Sony fanbois that defend the company’s honor on places like Slashdot. Now imagine you’ve been guarunteed of a third-place finish. That’s gotta feel like being a democrat whose just been told that John Kerry is your nominee.
  • The moms. A $700 price tag and extreme shortages on Black Friday? Sounds suspiciously like little Jimmy is getting tube socks for Christmas!

You want to see more carnage? Look at the launch list on ebgames:

  • Madden 07. Exists for every platform under the sun.
  • Tiger Woods. Exists for every platform under the sun.
  • Tony Hawk’s Project 8. Also on PS2 and 360.
  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Also on every other platform.
  • Call of Duty 3. Also on the 360, Wii, PS2 and Xbox.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog. Also on the 360.
  • NBA 2k7. Exists for PS2, XBX and 360 as well.
  • NHL 2k7. Exists for PS2, XBX and 360 as well.
  • F.E.A.R. Already on the 360 and the PC.
  • Need for Speed: Carbon. This game is shipping on 10 different platforms. Literally.
  • Fight Night Round 3. Already on the 360.
  • Blazing Angels. Games in this franchise are also coming out for the 360 and the Wii.
  • Oblivion. Enough said.

The Exclusives:

  • Ridge Racer 7. Exclusive (for now) – although Ridge Racer 6 is available on the 360.
  • Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom. Exclusive – based on a franchise that currently gets ~70% on GameTab.
  • Genji: Days of the Blade. Exclusive – 62% on Gametab.
  • Mobile Suit Gundam. Exclusive – based on a franchise that currently gets ~55% on GameTab.
  • NBA 07. Exclusive. This franchise averages 60% – or 20% lower than NBA 2K7.
  • Resistance: the Fall of Man. Exclusive – 91% on Gametab. So there’s one.

Long story short – there seems to be only one buzzworthy title that’s a PS3 exclusive (and I’ve never heard of it). Everything else – if you put it on your Xmas list and your mom/girlfriend/secret santa can’t find you a PS3, you’ll probably end up with the 360 version under your tree. Which only serves to cement the 360’s position.

On the bright side, the PS2’s launch title list was even crappier than this one. And they did okay. Still, I’m baffled why console developers can’t figure out that nothing sells consoles like a must-have, exclusive game. Instead, Sony is going in reverse: for all their boasting about reverse-compatibility, the most noteworthy PS2 game of 2005-2006, Guitar Hero, apparently won’t work on the PS3, setting up XBox’s chance to steal that market. Ye gods.

Update: A couple people asked “What about Japan? Isn’t that their home turf?” Short answer – they’re screwed on console shortages there too.

Original comment thread is here.