I generally haven’t been watching the blog because work’s been keeping me busy – Wolfpack’s preparing a dog and pony show of our new project for the Ubi brass. Also, when I’ve had time to poke my head out to look for my shadow, I’ve been too busy casting stones in this Terranova thread, which covers design of social spaces vs enforcement of them. A poster there insists that designers worry too much about enforcement, and not enough about designing compelling social spaces. Nonsense, I retorted. Central Park was considered a deathtrap until they stepped up enforcement, and now it’s one of the safest urban parks in the world. Somewhere along the way, Scott brought the snark.

Ironically, the Austin Game Conference has accepted my lecture proposal regarding what MMOs can learn about Casino design, and how more designers should take lessons from other fields when designing social spaces. It’s a lecture idea, I might add, I’ve been letting stew in my head for more than a year. I would have posted it as an article here but then none of you would have been able to get a response past Spam Karma. =)