Back to the pixel mines I go. Today is my first day as the Lead Combat Designer for Bioware Austin. Having the luxury of time to pick and choose your next gig is always a pleasure, and I’m delighted at being able to snag this opportunity. Now for the frequently asked questions:

What are you working on?
I can’t tell you. But you knew that.

Are you excited?
Hell, yes!

If you really want to know more about what we’re doing, you can read this E3 interview with the BWA head honchos. The key quote for me:

“[There is] nothing like working for a company that’s all about quality,” explained [Gordon] Walton. The biggest thing they could stress was that no matter what, they are well funded, well organized and will be given all the time required to make their game the way they wanted to. BioWare, like Blizzard, does not rush things.

So yeah, I’m excited.

Original comment thread is here.