Spent my evening at the Second Life party. I felt vaguely guilty about it. I even went up and shook Wagner James Au’s hand, although I don’t think he fully remembered who I was. This might have been the drinks, though – they were, by all reports, mixed very strongly. I personally have made an oath to not give any speeches or roundtables while hungover. Nothing impedes a roundtable like the guy running it wishing everyone would shut up.

Say what you will about SL, but the Linden Labs guys give good party. Also, I found out the Slashdong guy works for Linden Labs. Which I suppose I would have known if I had Slashdong in my RSS reader.

As an aside, at the Second Life party, I ran into fully 3 people running outfits who think they’re going to beat Linden at their own game – and that’s not counting Raph’s group. If ‘Beat WoW’ was the theme last year, ‘beat Second Life’ is the one this year.