Based out of Austin, TX, Playsend is a new organization in the business of facilitating eBay trades of virtual world goods. (Not selling gold, mind you, just… facilitating trades between other parties).

What it does:
The PlaySend service removes the burden of in-game deliveries from sellers by doing deliveries for them. It also reduces the uncertainty of buyers by providing a trusted common carrier.

How it works:
Any seller, or anyone using PlaySend, can deposit, send and retrieve game currency at their convenience. As sales happen, sellers use a simple web interface to send currency to multiple players. Buyers are notified via e-mail � even if they are not registered in PlaySend – registration is automatic and kicks into action a referral system. The service charges a small percentage fee expressed in game currency upon deposits, and allows the unlimited sending and retrieval of game currency. Furthermore, PlaySend will record the �referrer� of every account created automatically during a transfer, and grants the �referrer� a percentage of all deposit fees the new account ever incurs.

As a buyer, receiving currency is as simple as logging in with the User ID and password sent automatically. PlaySend operators perform the in-game deliveries.

Bottom line:
For sellers and brokers: Less time spent performing routine tasks frees up time to focus on selling more, faster, with a higher level of quality, while expanding into more games.

For players, uncertainty is replaced by convenience, known quality and a unified process and interface.

Feel free to throw hissy fits as appropriate.

Original comment thread is here.