Spotted on the blog of my favorite lawyer, someone wants to sue Electronic Arts over Majestic. Apparently, the game scared her into having multiple heart attacks.

Your company described your “game” Majestic which was said to be a “persuasive gaming harness” built around fictional characters in an “interactive suspense thriller” borrows from The X-Files, War Games, and Michael Douglas’ movie The Game as it entwines players in a dark conspiracy on the Web, then tracks them down in real life, outside the anonymous safety of a Web browser.” It certainly wasn’t contained to the safety of the Web Browser as you are still continuing to experience even now.

Um… so it was working exactly as described?

[I also incurred damages] to my kidney from being kicked due to some of the Majestic telephone calls that were received at my house, which the game boasted about these phone calls they did not get received well at my house and I was hurt in the process. He [presumably the ex-husband later mentioned – ed] even left and stole a lot of my things blaming me. There was still blood in my urine 3 years later and I am still in a lot of pain and mental anguish.

This, um, really doesn’t sound like the game was the problem.

I am personally both terrified and frightened for myself, my children, my family and everyone else at the violation of safety, personal rights and privacy involved in this and the levels of the security intrusion are devastating.

She’s still terrified? The game was shut down shortly after the 9/11 attacks. (PDF) I suppose it’s possible she’s still getting scary phone calls, but if that’s the case, maybe someone really IS out to get her.