Designed by Stefan Feld.

In Bora Bora, you manage a small pacific tribe competing against other tribes. To win, you’ll need to outperform them by doing crucial things such as building huts, praying and, um… collecting shells and getting really dope tattoos.

Interesting Mechanic: Dice Worker Placement. At the start of a round, everyone rolls three dice. They can place them on one of 7 potential locations. The benefits an action space gives is based on the number on the dice. So you get less resources if you place a 1 on a die — but it still may be advantageous! Because you can only place a die on a spot if that space is empty, or if it’s lower in value than any dice already on the space. This means that all die rolls have gameplay values: high rolls earn you more benefits, but low rolls are optimal for blocking opponents.

Bora Bora is a dense Eurogame from Stefan Feld. It’s a crowded, complex game, and I love it, but frankly I don’t play it very much anymore because it’s a beast to teach (mostly due to an overabundance of iconography).

Image result for bora bora game images
(Photo Credit: Metagames)