Designer: Richard Garfield

In this simple diceroller by Richard Garfield, designer of Magic: the Gathering, you play an epic monster engaging in a battle royale against other monsters as the screaming citizens of Tokyo flee in terror.

On each player’s turn, he rolls 6 dice (and can reroll any number of them twice). Based on the dice results, players can earn victory points, attack the leader, heal up, or buy a powerup, giving your hero unique abilities. The goal is to get to 20 victory points first.

Interesting Mechanic: King of the Hill. King of Tokyo is basically ‘King of the HIll’. Every attack die that is rolled attacks only the monster in the center of Tokyo (attack dice he rolls hits everyone else), and whoever is King cannot use healing dice while in town. However, he does earn victory points by hanging out downtown. This makes quite a press-your-luck game, as if you’re winning, you also have an inescapable target on your back.

King of Tokyo is a fast, easy game that is still a lot of fun. It seats up to 6 people and is simple enough that even kids can play it, while still keeping the interest of older gamers.

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(Photo Credit: Panke-Spieler Berlin)